Friday, November 13, 2009

The Sad Saga of Oreo and the ASPCA

Personal Comment: Regarding the comment and reference to the NY Times article about Oreo and the ASPCA, below is a letter that is being circulated over the Internet pressuring the ASPCA not to kill the dog, who months ago, was thrown from a roof.

Personally speaking, I don't feel I have enough facts in the case to render a just judgment on the situation, the ASPCA or the dog.

I will however, say this:

The ASPCA has a long history of distorting facts and in some cases, outrightly lying to fit their own PR image and agenda.

When the ASPCA ran Animal Control in NYC, it was forever claiming to the media and the public that it was mainly putting down, "Old, sick and vicious" animals, which was a total lie. Truth was, the ASPCA was killing about 80% of the cats and dogs that arrived at its shelters, including many thousands of kittens, homeless pets and even puppies. To claim that the great majority of the animals were "old, sick and vicious" was distortion at its very worst.

Earlier in this decade the ASPCA was among the biggest offenders in putting out the "New York City on the Road to No Kill!" message. Even worse, the ASPCA lied when leading New Yorkers and the press to believe NYC would be "no kill" by 2008 and then later, 2010 and 2012.

Due to criticisms by some in the animal community, the ASPCA has since toned down the Disneyworld message and no longer seems to cite actual dates for the NYC to become "no kill." But, as cited in this blog repeatedly, there is no way NYC can become "no kill" at all as long as the city refuses to build adequate and humane Animal Contol shelters, perferably, in every borough.

Unfortunately, when an person or organization like the ASPCA has a history of manipulating or hiding facts to fit personal or organizational agendas and public image, then we need to be skeptical of other claims as credibility has been seriously damaged.

Is the dog, "Oreo" so vicious, dangerous and beyond any kind of rehabilitation that he must be euthanized?

I don't know as I personally have never seen the dog.

From the facts that we do know, the dog did not have a good owner as he was an obvious victim of cruelty. Oreo has also spent months primarily in a cage at the ASPCA.

These sort of situations would render many, if not in fact, most dogs highly stressed and apt to act out in some aggressive or defensive manner.

One wonders if the ASPCA attempted to contact someone like Cesar Millan or Best Friends in Utah ("Dogtown") who took many of the Michael Vick dogs?

Have all avenues for Oreo been exhausted?

Unfortunately, knowing the ASPCA's long history of seeking justification for the killings of hundreds of thousands of animals (i.e. "blame the victims") I tend to suspect not. --PCA

Below, the letter currently being circulated by "Win Animal Rights" for Oreo:

****Cross Post Freely, Widely & Quickly****OREO - ONLY HOURS LEFT TO LIVE

On November 3, 2009 in a WAR action alert, we asked the question "what ever happened to Oreo", the young dog (i year old) that was thrown from the rooftop of a 6 story Brooklyn building? Many of you wrote to the ASPCA and many of you forwarded the ASPCA's written replies to WAR. Mr. Sayres tell those who wrote that Oreo is doing well, still healing and that a decision has not been made about what to do next.

Now the whole ugly truth is starting to come out, as the ASPCA frantically tries to spin the story, in a way that will protect the ASPCA from scrutiny.

See the New York Times story that was just published: can post a comment to the NY Times article and we encourage you to do so, as we are sure that the ASPCA will be reading those comments.

Please write to or phone Ed Sayres immediately. Ask them not to kill Oreo and to find a suitable rescue or rehabber for her. Mr. Ed SayresPresident & CEOAmerican Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (ASPCA)424 E. 92nd StNew York, NY 10128-6804e-mail: esayres@aspca.orgTelephone: 1-212-876-7700 Ext. 4600His secretary, Christine is at: 1-212-876-7700 ext. 4600After 7:00 am on Friday, November 13th you can call: 1-212-876-7700 extension 2500 and ask to speak to the person in charge.

Following is an open letter to Mr. Sayres from Win Animal Rights:

Open Letter to Ed Sayres:

Dear Mr. Sayres,

I represent the animal rights/animal liberation group Win Animal Rights based here in New York City. Win Animal Rights has both national and international affiliations.

It was at our invitation that many activists contacted you at the ASPCA to ask about the status of the young pit bull that was thrown from a Brooklyn roof and "rescued" by the ASPCA. Many of our readers have forwarded your responses to us. Many initially believed the misleading information you sent them. Mr. Sayres, why are you lying to people?We both know that the implication, in your e-mail responses, that you are holding Oreo until the end of the criminal action against Fabian Henderson, is untrue.

Mr. Henderson relinquished ownership of Oreo to the ASPCA many months ago. If you had to hold her for legal reasons, why is it that you have given the order to kill her on Friday, November 13th?

We both know that Oreo is not still healing. If anything Oreo is now suffering from emotional abuse that she has suffered since being "rescued" by the ASPCA. She has sat in a cage with very limited human interaction. She wears an elizabethan collar 24 hours a day, seven days a week.....not because she needs it, but, because it makes her easier for your people to handle. This alone would make a dog crazy. How can you be so cruel?Speaking of cruel, no doubt the ASPCA had the best of intentions when you "rescued" Oreo and put her through extensive surgery and a lengthy and painful convalescence, or did it have something to do with the media attention on the story and the thousands of dollars that have been received in donations for Oreo?

Do Oreo's donors know that you are about to execute her? How do you think they would feel about their donation dollars being wasted and more donation dollars used to put her to death?

Why is it that you did not report, to those who wrote, about the ASPCA behaviorist advocating that Oreo was, in her opinion, aggressive and a liability and that she could not be rehomed?

Why is it that you did not tell anyone that a second behaviorist has since been brought in (as ignorant as the first) to support the ASPCA's decision to kill Oreo? Did you think you could keep this information from the public?How is it that you tell some that Oreo is getting plenty of daily human interaction when you tell others that she is vicious and cannot be handled by anyone? Seems like you are getting caught in the web of your own lies.

Is Oreo vicious and unable to be handled, as your behaviorist claims, or is she getting plenty of love and human interaction?

It has been reported to Win Animal Rights, that the decision to kill Oreo was made some time ago and that only the ASPCA's fear of negative publicity has kept you from executing her so far. If negative publicity is a deterrent to killing, we would be happy to provide you with all of the negative publicity you can handle.

This letter and the facts of the case are being broadcast to every journalist, every blogger, every social networking venue and every animal friendly list in the world. If Oreo is executed, we will not forgive you and we will never forget such a shameless act of betrayal. You have my personal word on that.Every individual life is precious. Please live up to your name, American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals and your mission statement.

If the ASPCA cannot rehabilitate Oreo and undo the damage of over 5 months in solitude in an ASPCA cage, at least find a group that can help Oreo. We both know that there are rescue groups and sanctuaries that work with dogs with behavioral problems. I am sure they would be happy to release the ASPCA from all legal liability.

We would be anxious to assist you in finding an appropriate rescue. You can reach me at: centcom@war-online.orgUntil all are free,Camille HankinsFounder/DirectorWin Animal Rightshttp://war-online.orgPress OfficerNorth American Animal Liberation Press Officehttp://animalliberationpressoffice.orgIf you have any questions, comments or suggestions feel free to contact us at: centcom@war-online.orgVisit the WAR Calendar for future events: the WAR MySpace page: WAR on Facebook:

For more info contact Win Animal Rights at: winanimalrights@optonline.netCall: 646.267.9934 or visit the WAR website at: http://war-online.orgW.A.R. (WIN ANIMAL RIGHTS) is an independent non-profit organization not affiliated or associated with SHAC, SHAC USA or any other group or organization and does not conduct or incite any illegal activity. The above information is not meant to incite or request any illegal actions or illegal activities of any kind. If you have any questions about the legality of any act, we encourage everyone receiving this (or the) action alert(s) to check your local laws and ordinances before proceeding to do anything.



Blogger said...

The ASPCA came to Oreo's rescue as a Good Samaritan and so had a higher responsibility to do everything (included giving her away to those who wanted her). That, coupled with the tremendous visibility that Oreo's case got, should have given Oreo "immunity."
So what happened? I'll tell you what happened. The ASPCA knows that Henderson is to be senetnced in two weeks. They wanted a long sentence so badly that they were willing to kill Oreo, blmaing her death on Henderson's cruelty. This is how evil the ASPCA is.

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I want to know why? There was a misunderstanding after I paid $205 for my baby doll juju to come back as ashes they had euthanized her then totally ignored my calls they said she would be ready in 2 weeks or ashes will come back in a wooden box when I paid for all of a sudden two weeks went by and I called every week to see if her ashes were back I got a story no they're not here yet I said what it's taking so long this went on for 2 months sometimes it takes that long to get the ashes back her remains I said no that's impossible so came February after waiting since December 8th I had said this is it I want the phone number where she was cremated or or I want to call them so she went ahead and she called and she called me back and I was devastated she had said that you checked off for the ashes not to come back to you I said I most certainly did not they had a lack of communication from the desk to the euthanizing room I stayed with my baby for 45 minutes while she was being euthanized the most saddest part of my life besides using my siblings and my father I have been traumatized by this they had the nerve to only send me back home $125 out of 205 then I adopted another cat they have no background on my new cat he has a lump in his tail which I did not was not aware of and a scabby lump on his back I already lost my cat juju due to lymphoma just as my father had passed away with not too long ago I am traumatized by the SPCA and I would have greatly appreciate Ed if you would get back to me with a phone call or have the decency to look into things better when he's beautiful animals are being adopted I was at the PetSmart two weeks ago or more and all the cats had runny noses and dried up snot on their faces they came in through Texas this is unacceptable and still today I know nothing about my cat Gizmo that I adopted after losing my juju there is a lack of communication with the SPCA anymore I trusted them with all my life with my cat my heart is broken I am traumatized

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