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So says a woman from Scarsdale, New York referring to the couple of dozen geese in a local pond that have now become the subject of controversy and various news articles and videos:
The leadership of Scarsdale plans to hire USDA this summer to round up the geese, send them to slaughter and serve them up as so-called "donations" to food banks.
Who could ever imagine we would be looking at migratory wildlife in our local parks as "dinner" on our plates?
Putting aside however, the disturbing image and questionable "hate" for wildlife by some seemingly disturbed humans, one is struck by the timing of these articles and propaganda.
It is of course, the middle of winter -- a time (as noted in this blog and elsewhere) when thousands of migratory geese fly from the frozen reaches in the Arctic and Canada in search of open water spaces in the US.
As covered substantially here, hundreds of geese have recently been arriving to the Jackie Onassis Reservoir in Central Park. Although most only stay a day or two before moving on to presumably more southern locations, a substantial number of geese (and mallards, gulls, and other waterfowl) have elected (for the time being) to stay and winter at the Reservoir.
Currently, there are nearly 200 Canada geese at the Central Park Reservoir (see photos above.)
However, in the spring and summer, that number can be expected to naturally drop to less than one dozen geese.
Most migratory geese leave temporary wintering locations as early as February.
But, for those humans who "hate geese with a capital H" what better time to make a fuss over their numbers than the middle of winter?
And yet, even if believing the number of geese pictured in the NBC new video above are the same "resident" geese who would be in Scarsdale over the summer, how is this number considered an "overpopulation" that needs to be rounded up and killed?
Have we lost any and all tolerance for wildlife in local parks?
As another woman interviewed for the NBC piece says, "We don't have enough wildlife."
Another disturbing piece out today is from New Jersey.
The mayor of this town apparently hates geese so much, he jumps out of his car in winter to chase one gaggle of migratory geese from a park lake.
Any geese still remaining in the location in summer are to be rounded up and killed by USDA.
"Kill first and ask questions later" seemingly the motto for too many towns and communities these days.
It makes one realize how hundreds of millions of passenger pigeons that one time used to exist were hunted and killed to actual extinction in the last century -- to my knowledge, without even being considered, "nuisance."
While at the present time extinction doesn't seem immediately likely for Canada geese (who are apparently able to "compensate for predation" for now) one wonders about long range implications of our actions?
One thing is however certain for the moment:
USDA Wildlife Services literally "making a killing" of Canada geese.
In terms of money and "cash cows," the geese lay the golden eggs.
Call them the "cash geese" for a highly questionable rogue government agency. -- PCA
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