Add to the ever growing list of citizens traumatized by USDA goose roundups in their communities, students on a college campus.
100 Canada geese were recently rounded up and gassed from the campus of Chattanooga State College in Tennessee -- something displeasing to many of the students from the comments posted to this video:
But, not only did still another secret WS goose roundup occur, but the USDA appears to have lied about what would we done with the geese.
Virtually, all of the college administrators and even the college President claim they "had no idea" the geese would be killed as they had been told by USDA the geese would be "relocated."
Reportedly, USDA changed the plan at the last minute claiming that all possible relocation areas were "full."
But, the questions remain:
Did USDA WS deliberately mislead the decision makers at Chattanooga State College or did officials simply fail to ask simple and basic questions -- such as, "Where will the geese be relocated?"
This story is just breaking around Tennessee and it appears now that the questions that should have raised before the roundup are being asked now.
But, isn't that always the way, unfortunately?
In our haste to "get rid of" wildlife for human convenience even those positioned in the institutions of higher learning in our country are failing to ask questions that might occur to the average third grader ("Where will the geese go, Mommy?).
And such a lesson to the future leaders of our country:
That lies and massacres are acceptable for human convenience and money-making.
As for who is telling the truth in the "He said, She said" scenario, (USDA claiming they mentioned "euthanasia" as one of two options and college officials claiming they had no knowledge of possible killing), we have to believe the college administrators.
After all, the USDA term, "euthanasia" to refer to healthy geese rounded up and gassed is a lie in and unto itself.
And if USDA officials can continually lie about a simple word definition, then it needs to be presumed there is nothing they would not hesitate to lie about -- such as what they actually told the college administrators.
One can be quite certain USDA said nothing to indicate the 100 geese were being "relocated" to their deaths. -- PCA
This is totally unacceptable.... since when did a government body have the right to do away with two-thirds of the population of a species on our earth without the acknowledgment of the public...... we were put here on earth to take care of the animals not to destroy them..... how could they take them during molting season.... when they had babies and couldn't fly.... this is cruel by any standard..... they should be judged for their crimes.
This is totally unacceptable.... since when did a government body have the right to do away with two-thirds of the population of a species on our earth without the acknowledgment of the public...... we were put here on earth to take care of the animals not to destroy them..... how could they take them during molting season.... when they had babies and couldn't fly.... this is cruel by any standard..... they should be judged for their crimes.
USDA is out of control, and this story illustrates just how arrogantly the thugs operate. I wonder if they went in to the campus before dawn, to capture the molting geese and haul them to their deaths before anyone would see?
Also, the lies being spread around--who's the bigger liar? Apparently the USDA WS lies with impunity and thinks nothing of it.
Here is some food for thought from another city's experience more than a decade ago -- and where the advocacy on behalf of embattled geese continues to this day:
"George Haas of the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service revealed that permits to kill geese cannot be approved unless a serious threat to public health or agriculture can be claimed. He also said that the federal permitting office relies exclusively on the testimony of local health officials. His department does not make any attempt to validate claims made about geese. This explains why goose killing advocates pressure local health officials to make unfounded and alarmist statements about geese being a health risk.
It appears that what we have been arguing all along is correct: that goose killing permits issued by the US Fish and Wildlife Service are based on applications containing false public health information. These permits are not in compliance with federal laws under the Migratory Bird Treaty and should not have ever been issued. Indeed, those permits still in effect should be revoked at once."
~Westchester County, NY, 1999 symposium
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