"Our Facebook page lit up after we aired the controversial story of almost two dozen geese killed at a La Grange city park."
So are the words from the Editorial staff at WHAS News 11 from Louisville, Kentucky where a few days ago, 22 geese were shot to death in a public park on apparent directives from the mayor.
Something very interesting is being observed over the past few weeks:
That is, the community outrage being expressed from Maine to Ohio and especially, Kentucky over clandestine goose slaughters occurring without public notification and/or input.
It was eye opening to go to the WHAS (News 11) FB page and read the seemingly endless comments regarding this particular news story. "Lit up" would seem understatement as I was personally unable to get through them all. More than 90% of the comments were adamantly opposed to the killings and one was even from a Councilman complaining of "no notification" and input from City Council. Fascinating stuff especially coming from what is often derisively called, "redneck (conservative) country."
Contrarily, when government and USDA WS conducted goose gassings at Prospect Park (New York) in 2010, there were hundreds of comments on the New York Times article pages. But, at least half of them supported the carnage.
It is not clear if this signifies we are finally making progress towards turning the tide around on government led wildlife massacres across the country or people are just "different" in New York City where we seem to want government to do everything for us, short of wiping our tushies.
But, for sure, general public sentiment and support for secretive USDA WS and other government sponsored goose slaughters have taken a substantial hit over the past couple of years and that has been true from the east coast to the west and north to south.
Perhaps out greatest challenge now is to try and organize that public outrage into something cohesive and effective in terms of pressuring public officials and letting government leaders know that quite simply, "We're not going to take it anymore."
Clandestine, government-led wildlife massacres in public parks and other city properties are something no longer tolerated by a culture that likes to consider itself, civilized, transparent and humane.
On the latter and extremely important note, it is past time for the American electorate to stand up and demand that something be done to limit tax funding and otherwise reign in and hold accountable for lethal and sinister actions, USDA "Wildlife Services" (APHIS).
It is encouraging that some former agents and employees of this rogue agency are finally coming out and sharing their stories:
The above 30-minute film is disturbing and chilling, but the information shared, invaluable.
This is not, after all, PETA railing about government cruelty to animals, but rather, professional trappers and hunters for whom, barbarity and carnage apparently have their limits.
The culture of "Shoot, Shut Up and Shovel" needs to end, whether it be as motto for USDA Wildlife (Extermination) Services or deadly, clandestine actions conducted in an otherwise peaceful Kentucky park. -- PCA
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