Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Breaking News: Re: Goose Harassment in Central Park

Cago at Harlem Meer in Central Park.  Can this solitary goose who likely lost her entire family to a USDA slaughter this summer, finally get to experience any peace?  Will she finally be allotted time to bond and flock with other geese?
A few minutes after posting the previous blog entry regarding goose harassment at Central Park, I received a call back from a high official of Central Park Conservancy. (I had complained earlier in the day.)
The gentleman assured me he was going to look further into this and call me back tomorrow.   He sounded genuinely concerned and quite frankly, surprised with the information that harassment was being conducted on so few geese in Central Park. 
I am guessing this is a matter of contracts being signed and no one actually checking the changing goose circumstances in the park.
This entire episode only emphasizes how vital it is for people who still care about any of the wildlife in our parks to be constantly aware of what is going on and to be willing to report and if necessary, protest mistakes or abuses of a tool like " humane goose management."
It is one thing to harass two hundred geese munching grass at the Great Lawn (not that I personally have actually ever witnessed that) or harass geese in the spring just prior to USDA surveys and slaughters.  It is quite another to harass TWO geese on a park lake.
I am hopeful that this totally unnecessary, wasteful and actually cruel practice will be ended until such time it potentially becomes "necessary" again in the spring.
It is truly sad that Canada geese have no peaceful time of the entire year in New York City.
Thank the politicians for that. -- PCA

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