On the same day that the Geese Police were scouting the Boat Lake in Central Park seeking geese to harass, a Boat Lake vendor was robbed by a knife wielding thug and had his cell phone and tips stolen:
Perhaps it is critical to rid our parks of all geese so that criminals not slip on goose poop when making their hasty get-a-ways. -- It's important to get priorities straight.
I did not hear back from Central Park Conservancy yesterday on the matter of goose harassment as presumably they are busy addressing the bad publicity of increased robberies in Central Park this year.
Nevertheless, its a bad sign and is suggestive that goose harassment will continue even though currently, there are only 5 known geese in all of Central Park's 843 acres.
Yep, those knife wielding geese are definitely a "problem." Hold on to your cell phones and pantaloons!
It is clear that one person complaining about the mysterious and baffling harassment of the little waterfowl in Central Park is not enough to have any kind of impact.
I am, after all, just a "crazy bird lady" who prefers geese and ducks to robbers and rapists. (Imagine that? How dare I?) -- Easy to write off.
Seeking to avoid unpleasant confrontations, I returned to Harlem Meer late last night as opposed to early morning.
I really did not want to play "hide and seek" again with the four domestic (flightless) ducks who apparently hide in the weeds anytime Geese Police shows up nor did I want to encounter the "Get the Flock Out" boats and vans again.
Thankfully, all was peaceful at the nearly midnight hour and all the wildlife was OK. Few people around and only the sounds of crickets and a few quacking ducks to liven the still night air.
Goose #3 (who had been AWOL the other morning) had returned to the fold last night.
(I shall herewith refer to the two young geese who showed up to the Meer last week and quickly befriended Cago as "Goose 2" and "Goose 3" for identification purposes. I am not sure of their sexes to assign actual names).
When arriving to the Meer last night, all three geese were roosting together in the fenced-in grassy area by the Dana Center -- which was very good to see.
But, Goose 3 is far more vigilant, nervous and wary than Cago and Goose 2 put together.
For the entire time I was there, Goose 3 remained like a sentry, standing on the edge of the embankment and peering nervously over the water as if expecting a big green monster to suddenly jump out -- or more accurately perhaps, "Geese Police" boats and dogs.
He never budged an inch nor even turned his head to look around.
Meanwhile, Cago and her new pal, Goose 2 came to me in greeting and appeared to be normal and of good cheer.
It is still a mystery why Cago did not leave with Goose 2 and Goose 3 when they left the Meer on Labor Day.
Whether the two skittish geese took to the skies because of heavy human activities on the holiday or goose harassment is not known, but Cago stayed, despite seemingly having already bonded with Goose 2 and Goose 3.
One can consider several possibilities:
1 -- Whatever the noises, harassment or other "threat," Cago is well used to them and was not deterred enough to leave.
2 -- Being older than the other two geese, Cago was unwilling to take directives from them or follow their lead.
3 -- Having lost family and experienced trauma at her former home this past June and found reasonably safe sanctuary at Harlem Meer, Cago now considers the Meer her "home" and is (at least for now) unwilling to leave.
Or, perhaps Cago just knew that the two scared off younger geese would return once things quieted down and they sought her out again. She had merely to wait it out.
Sure enough, Goose 2 and Goose 3 did return again -- though strangely, not at the same time. Goose 3 is apparently far more cautious and wary than his/her more laid back flock mate as witnessed last night.
In any event, the three geese are together again despite brief and unpleasant interruption and continue to work out the specifics and actual roles of their relationship. As noted in this blog, such matters take time. Cago and her new "family" are still very early in their actual relationship development and things like hierarchy and leadership role still need to be worked out. But, the three are definitely a "gaggle" now (albeit slightly disorganized). No question about that.
Indeed, the biggest question that remains now is will Central Park continue to use harassment against this delicate and newly forming relationship and any other geese who remain steadfastly in Central Park?
It seems that rather than fussing and blowing money to "Get the Flock Out," Central Park Conservancy would do better to "Get the Criminals and Thugs Out" of Central Park.
Then again, I am simply a "crazy bird lady" who prefers geese and ducks to robbers and rapists. -- PCA
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