Wednesday, August 7, 2013

A Goose Version of Dr. Zhivago?

Toluse (front) standing and walking now and larger than Cago (rear).  But, now clearly on the mend, what will Toluse's ultimate decision be?
Good news and embarrassing news to report today.
The good news is that Toluse is healing very quickly from what was probably a sprain.
Last night, when Cago came to greet me, Toluse followed closely behind, bearing weight on affected leg and no longer using wings for balance and forward motion.
The embarrassing news however, is that after writing all that "sappy" romantic stuff yesterday, it appears now that Toluse is the boy and Cago the girl.
Now that he is able to stand upright (as opposed to hunching over from pain) Toluse is quite a bit larger than Cago.   In geese, as most animals, larger size usually denotes and differentiates the males from females.
(Of course, this too could be wrong if Toluse is just a big girl and Cago, a diminutive boy. But, for now I am going to go by averages and from hereon refer to Toluse as "he" and Cago as "she.")
As for the syrupy romantic stuff of yesterday, well, just change the "damsel in distress" to "wounded warrior" for  Toluse and change Cago from "handsome prince" to Toluse's special Pocahontas or Florence Nightengale. --  There in special moment to save the day and guide her wounded warrior to safety, care and rest.
It's still incredibly romantic despite the ambiguous sex differentials.   
Still, what remains greater mystery than who is who in terms of sex, is the question of what Toluse will ultimately do now that he is clearly on the mend?
Will Toluse elect to stay with the lady who was there to take him in during his hour of need and guide him to safety and rest?
Or, will his natural yearnings and instinct compel him to seek out his original mate or flock?
This is of course, not the "mating season."  When arriving battered and bruised to Harlem Meer a few days ago, it can be presumed that Toluse already had his own family (or mate) somewhere and due to painful injury, was no longer able to fly with them (or her).
For all we know, Toluse's mate or several members of his flock could even be looking for him now.
Much remains to be seen in the coming days. 
But, as each day, he becomes stronger and able to walk, Toluse's day of decision may soon be here. 
It could easily happen that despite all her nurturing and care, Cago, could well end up alone again.
Or, if he doesn't already have a mate, Toluse could look upon his helpful stranger with new and receptive eyes.
Or, we could ultimately end up with the goose version of Dr. Zhivago.
Ah, how the mystery and story unfolds!
Talk about romance! -- PCA

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