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As recorded in this blog, Canada geese have been called every vile and untrue name over the years.
From "vermin," to "rats with wings" to "nuisance" to most recently, "tyrants" and today, the best one of all, "Agent of Satan."
The "Agent of Satan" line was tagged on Twitter to a Canada goose who "refuses to die" after being shot through the head with an arrow in Boston:
One is nearly at loss of words to say to this other than, "If one wants to see true agent of Satan look in the mirror."
Thankfully, not all humans are blood lusting, disturbed nimrods patrolling the great outdoors to inflict torture and death on wildlife.
Instead of hurling rocks and sticks at waterfowl or shooting wildlife with bullets or arrows, some people, including kids, seek rather to "shoot" animals with a camera and even share bits of treat with them.
Such a pleasant experience a couple of days ago to go to Harlem Meer in Central Park and discover not only two new families of geese newly arrived, but a small group of young teens fully delighting in them.
There were 15 geese in all -- Two sets of parents and their 11 goslings who were assuredly hatched this past spring.
At three months of age, goslings are nearly fully grown, capable of flight and barely recognizable from their parents except for the funny, little "googling" sounds they make.
Personally, I was thrilled to finally see (and hear) goslings this season as due to egg addling in Central Park, there were no goslings at all this spring.
Obviously, the two goose families were not from Central Park and were likely using Harlem Meer as a very temporary rest stop on their way to another location.
But, they received warm human welcome during their brief time at Harlem Meer.
Several young girls and a couple of boys (about 13 or 14-years-old) cheerfully tossed treats to the social geese and took photos on their cell phones.
For their part, the juvenile geese took full and enthusiastic advantage of the offerings while their parents carefully observed.
But, none of the geese were welcoming of poor Cago (the "loner" Canada goose at Harlem Meer since June) who shyly stood some feet away.
Each time, Cago made feeble attempt to take a couple of steps towards the goose families, she was unceremoniously chased and forced back by both, parents and goslings.
It required no wondering on my part to quickly figure that if seeking a new goose flock to join, protective parents and their quick learning goslings would not be "it" for poor Cago.
Cago rapidly got the message, stepped back and finally took position near a human family having a picnic and fishing.
She continued however, to observe the new geese from respectful distance with what appeared sense of nostalgia and loss.
Once again, I could not help but feel sorry for Cago who at this point, has experienced much in the way of rejection and even abandonment from other geese over the past few weeks.
None of the geese have stayed at the Meer long enough for any assimilation, alliance or bonding to occur with Cago.
Even Toluse, the wounded gander who flew in more than a week ago and who Cago embraced and aided in full recovery, took off to search his own original family as soon has his injured leg healed.
It was no surprise to return to Harlem Meer yesterday and find Cago all alone again in the little sandy "beach" area where both, Toluse and the two goose families recently arrived.
All had gone, but Cago remained longingly looking out over the goose empty water.
Despite all the setbacks and losses, Cago -- like the goose with the arrow through his head -- is a patient and hopeful survivor.
One cannot help but wonder if the "Gauker" twitter would call her an, "Agent of Satan?"
Hopefully, the writer of such trash (whether designed as mockery and "humor") has a mirror to gaze into. -- PCA
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