As recently reported in this blog, there was a major story breaking out of Oakland, Maine when USDA Wildlife Services lied to officials and community and gassed 18 geese (including goslings) instead of "relocating" them, as promised.
The perennial poop has hit the fan in Oakland as outraged officials and community members are complaining to the press of being "misled" by USDA and the contract is revealed.
There can be little question that WS likely planned to kill these geese all along, but felt they could deceive, mislead and get away with it.
WS claims they sought "relocation" after rounding up the geese, but that makes no sense for an agency that generally plans well every move and detail right down to how many crates to bring and what slaughtering or gassing facility to send the geese. (On latter note, WS obviously had no trouble finding a gassing facility 100 miles away from roundup location to transport the geese.)
Oakland, Maine now (and sadly) falls into a group of parks, golf courses and college campuses around the country that have learned the hard way, not to trust the words and promises of APHIS Wildlife Services.
Hopefully in the future, the people of Oakland (as elsewhere) will learn the importance of monitoring their own parks and seeking and implementing, responsible, non-lethal solutions to any conflicts with wildlife. -- PCA
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