"We made it clear we wanted the no-kill option," said Nielsen.'"
The above is from an article out today about 18 geese and their goslings rounded up and gassed by USDA WS in a community in Maine despite WS's assurances to officials that the geese would be "relocated" unharmed.
But, this is not the first time Wildlife Extermination Services has promised one thing and done another.
In fact, one might say it is par for the course for this rogue agency that seems to adhere to neither rules of God nor man -- honesty and transparency being the least of them.
As detailed in a series of article links posted yesterday, Wildlife Extermination Services has a long history of deception and misleading, not only the public, but in many cases, community officials, the media and even Congress.
It is actually somewhat common for USDA WS to enter into contracts with park and community officials and promise them "non-lethal relocation" of the geese only to claim at the last minute that a relocation area "could not be found" and thus the geese had to be "euthanized." (In this case, one would need to do imagination contortions in order to believe there was not sufficient space in the entire state of Maine for 18 geese. Talk about drinking the Kool-Aid.)
The "euthanasia" claim is a lie in and unto itself as the geese were not suffering terminal injury or disease and nor is gassing (that can take up to an hour for geese) a "merciful" or "humane" way for the birds to die. Rather, these so-called euthanasias, as typically conducted by USDA WS, are not performed by a vet, but rather, conducted on the back of truck:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SWC6MXg694w (Be sure to watch entire 4 minute video. Sorry for poor quality of sound.)
Nevertheless, it appears that both, the community officials of Portland, Maine, the public and the media reporter bought the USDA WS lies in this particular case, hook, line and gas chamber.
That too, is unfortunately, typical. -- PCA
1 comment:
Too broken-hearted to say anything about these barbaric murderers, except: They will be stopped!!!!
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