Saturday, October 4, 2014

Loving Animals Off the Planet -- To be Replaced by Condos, Events and Cars

The last four -- Family of four geese at Boat Lake in Central Park.
For the children of tomorrow, no geese will remain.
A Prince soon to be banished for a car?
I have only been to Central Park twice this week.  That is because the last time there was unpleasant in more ways than one.
On mission to find more than four geese in all of Central Park, I journeyed north towards Harlem Meer this past Tuesday night to check on the current water bird situation there.
As the sun had gone down, I walked on the brightly lit pedestrian section of the East Park Drive, but soon discovered that to be a huge mistake.
Numerous times throughout the walk, I was passed by large groups of speeding runners -- a situation that was akin to being in the middle of a stampede. Stressed and unnerved, I looked to move to a different side of the road, but such would have put me in the path of oncoming cyclists.  For all intents and purposes, I was "stuck" with nowhere to move.
On several occasions, I was brushed by runners zooming past until at last, one runner in the back of a 30-40 pack actually collided with and pushed me forward. Suddenly stumbling forward, I was fortunate to catch myself just before hitting the pavement. 
"Jesus Christ, you don't OWN the fu#$$% park!" I yelled in sudden burst of anger.
It was obvious the petite young woman could not see me walking on the path as her vision had been obstructed by the more than 30 runners ahead of her.  Had it been a large guy who banged into me rather than the girl, I probably would have hit the ground causing injury.  As it was, I was extremely lucky.
But I was still pissed and actually shaking by the time I finally reached the 104th Street cross street and exited onto a narrow pedestrian path leading to Harlem Meer.
A cyclist sped by me on that.  
Needless to say, my mood was none too pleasant when finally walking around the Meer to discover not even one goose there, but a number of fishermen.
"Great!" I thought.  "Chase all the geese and wildlife out to make room for more marathons, more events and more CRAP!"
While there still remain some mallards surviving around Harlem Meer, I was in such horrendous mood that I walked home via Fifth Avenue.  
It is, after all far safer to walk in the streets of NYC these days than Central Park.
The following day, I called the Central Park Conservancy to report the incident and complain the park is little better than an outdoor gym these days and that an entire NYC constituency -- senior citizens or anyone with a physical disability -- is being pushed out like the geese and wildlife.   
I was politely told the runners "are training for the upcoming marathon" to which I sarcastically responded, "Which marathon?  There are marathons every week!"
As earlier reported, two people have been killed in Central Park over the past two months by speeding cyclists.  Hundreds of other non-lethal collisions go unreported by the major press.  But, it isn't just the bikes. Its also the large running packs that represent danger to ordinary citizens as the runners in the back cannot see people walking ahead on the path.
So, no I haven't been back to Central Park since last Tuesday night and can't say I'm looking forward to returning -- until perhaps the middle of winter.
But, finally to add further insult to all the pushing out of wildlife and even regular, non-marathon folks in Central Park, there is this nonsense permeating much of the local news in NYC these days.
"Let's replace carriage horses with vintage electric cars!"
Oh, truly, this cannot be real!  Ban horses for cars?  And big, ugly monstrous cars at that!
More cars, more marathons, more events, more crowds, more accidents, more, more, more.
What we don't have "more" of is the wildlife.
Perhaps it is no surprise that according to a recent World Wildlife Fund report, half of the world's animals have disappeared since 1970.
In Central Park, the swans have disappeared, all but four geese have been harassed out and now there is push to "ban" the horses. 
Meanwhile, our "animal loving" mayor forbids pets in the townhouse he is advertising for rent (Apparently, deBlasio only loves animals when they are very far away):
So, what exactly does "loving animals" mean these days? 
It apparently means, loving animals off the planet and replacing them with condos, malls, endless events and cars.  --- PCA

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