Tuesday, November 25, 2014

To Be a Canada Goose for One Day!

Ah, the places, mysteries and adventures these eyes have seen on land, sea and sky.
Intent and purpose, the geese slowly gather before take-off.
And off they soar to distant, far-off places that we can only imagine.
Glorious sights and sounds at the Central Park Reservoir early this morning. Lots of new migratory geese, some of whom took flight while I was there.
It's funny how Canada geese can appear so lazy and "loafing" on the water and then just take off in this wild and exhuberant burst of force, power and energy.
I noticed one particular small gaggle take off and unlike the other flocks, head directly south. (Usually the geese fly to the east towards Queens where buildings are lower.)
But, before doing so, this one skein flew several circles around the Reservoir, each time, gaining greater and greater height.
By the time they finally left Central Park, they were way high up toward the clouds and still climbing. High enough to clear helicopters, skyscapers and even the Freedom Tower towards the south of Manhattan.
The six geese literally soared and disappeared high into the clouds like they were heading towards outer space.  It was truly an amazing sight (though too high and too far away for me to photograph).
In noting the dizzying, oxygen-thin heights geese can actually attain when embarking on long distance flight, one is unfortunately reminded of the hideously cruel method typically employed by USDA "Wildlife Services" when rounding up and killing so-called, "nuisance" Canada geese around the country during the summer -- Gassing.
As geese can obviously survive on far less oxygen than humans and mammals, killing them by oxygen deprivation and carbon dioxide is a lengthy and brutal process in which, (according to eyewitness testimonies) the terrified geese can be heard desperately  "thumping against" the steel cylinders that lock in and ensure their deaths.  According to one source, the geese "burn from the inside out."
USDA refers to this as "humane euthanasia" which serves as pacifier for the public and politicians.
But, make no mistake. There is nothing "humane" nor "merciful" about cramming large, healthy birds into small steel cylinders that suck out oxygen, eventually crushing their vital organs. --Especially birds who demonstrate every fall and spring their incredible abilities to withstand oxygen-thin air and literally fly thousands of miles through all kinds of turbulent weather, including wind and hail storms.


This morning, as I reveled in the sheer beauty, mystery and power of the geese, I was reminded once again of their unique abilities to navigate and conquer (under their own intellectual and body strength), the main elements of earth from land and water to the highest skies. How many other living beings can do that?
Sometimes when walking beside the geese and watching them eventually take off for the wondrous and forever challenging skies, there is a part of me that just for one day, wants to transform myself into a Canada goose and join them.
What kind of adventure and blog entry would that be?  -- PCA

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