Friday, May 3, 2019

Fair and "Fowl" Weather Friends

We're all familiar with the phrase, "Fair weather friends." - - The people who love you when you've just hit the lottery, but run the other way when you've been kicked to the curb by a job, lover or some nasty bug. Call these people when the sun is shining, but not when clouds and storm rule the day!

But in the duck and goose worlds things are quite different.

Mallards love me when temperatures are frigid, snow covers the ground and ice coats the water.  They fly to greet me, throw themselves at me feet and even try to follow me home!

 " We are so happy to see you! What have you brought for us?" They plead. "We are so hungry. We are so desperate; so cold!"

 But come the spring and fair weather, there is dramatic change.

 "What, you again? What do you want? Go away. We don't need you!"

 It is more than a three mile walk to and back from my local park.

But these days when going there, the mallards are usually resting and sunning themselves on the grass. They can't be bothered to get off their butts and walk ten feet to greet me. It's way too much effort!

So much for gratitude for helping them get through a tough winter.
The mallards are a greedy and totally narcissistic bunch, sad to say.

But Canada geese?  Ah, they are different!

Like the mallards, the geese appreciate some human support during harsh winters.

But unlike mallards, the geese don't forget who their human friends  are -- even during fair weather and even when they don't need human handouts.

When arriving to the park yesterday, most of the mallards, domestic ducks and even Chinese geese were off in snoozeville.   Nestled in the tall, fresh grass, most heads were tucked in backs and there was barely a stir. I am reasonably sure they were aware of my presence, but unless I brought sun tan oil, they weren't interested.

 "Don't go away mad, just go away." I could hear their collective minds say. "We're good. We don't need anything!"

I looked for the new goose family.

Bogie and Bacall had just hatched goslings two days before, but when last seen, the babies were safely tucked under Mama's wings while the family rested. They were too far away (behind the fenced area) to photograph.

I finally did see the family yesterday, but like two days before, they were far back in the wooded deer area. But this time, I could make out a couple of tiny, yellow heads bobbing up and down in the grass.

But still too far for me to photograph.

I stood at the fence for a while on what seemed a lazy, spring day.  Even the deer were apparently taking it easy somewhere amongst the wooded trees.  No one was interested in seeing me.

But, wait. Just as I was about to turn around and head for home...

 Bacall suddenly started flying forward!  And three bouncing balls of yellow fluff began running behind her, followed closely, by an anxious dad.

In an instant, the family was before me. And though I tossed some duck pellets and a few small bits of bread, neither parent was particularly hungry -- though the babies nibbled curiously.

Bogie and Bacall proudly brought their babies before me, both to greet and to show off.

They stayed a few minutes and obligingly posed for photos and then retreated peacefully back to the wooded, grassy area; babies merrily trotting beside them. It was sweet of them to make my long walk to the park fruitful and fulfilling.

And so yes, some people are only friends during good times. And most ducks seem only interested in friendship during bad times.

But geese?

Ah, geese never forget who their human friends are and they are always there for you come fair weather or "fowl."


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