Focus in the past couple of days of blog posts has been on the issues of "extreme and excess" goose management -- Not only in the killing of geese throughout the country, but also the endless harassment and persecution of these birds.
Yesterday, I received a call from a gentleman in Gaston, North Carolina.
Gaston is a site where in June, USDA agents descended into the local park and captured and gassed 144 Canada geese living on the lake.
The massacre of the geese drew wide media attention and significant public protest, including Carolina Waterfowl Rescue which had previously offered to help Gaston county in humanely managing their goose population and even offered to take in some geese.
But, the expert and humane assistance was rejected in favor of a USDA goose cull.
Since that time, advocates for North Carolina geese have succeeded in getting a couple of Op Eds and letters published in the Gaston Gazette, have attended meetings and have tried to push for tolerance and humane measures in goose management.
But, even these reasonable requests are falling on deaf ears.
According to my caller, the director of the park has expressed "zero tolerance" for any geese at all. She wants the park's lakes to be "exclusively for fishermen to fish."
Since the molt ended, a small number of geese have since flown into Gaston County Park, but they are currently being subjected to pyrotechnical devices.
Today, on (27) GooseWatch NYC Facebook page there is this post from Carolina Waterfowl Rescue which verifies what the caller told me:
Carolina Waterfowl Rescue "They were out there this morning shooting fireworks at the geese and one of the park workers hit the goose on purpose and broke its leg. He was long gone before we got there to try and help."
It is hard to think that it is possible to add torture to massacre already perpetrated, but in Gaston, North Carolina, that is exactly what is happening.
I advised the caller that it was imperative that the people who care about protecting and having any geese at all in Gaston, organize themselves and form an effective lobbying group.
"The fishermen, the cyclists and the runners organize themselves into lobbying groups to pressure parks for the amenities they want. Wildlife advocates must do the same. Only then will parks be responsive to our requests and demands."
I further advised the caller that he and other advocates needed to draw up a hard petition for only the residents of the community to sign. "Gather up names, addresses and statements from people in the community decrying the slaughter of the geese and demanding a presence of geese and other waterfowl in the park. Set up a table with sign and petition at shopping malls or other public areas and reach out for support. Present signed petitions to park director and other officials responsible for goose massacres and persecution."
This is truly the bottom line to all the wildlife massacres (whether intentional or not) happening around the country in community parks.
It isn't enough to "love" animals, take pictures or even toss a few crumbs to animals. One has to also be willing to stand up and be counted as one who wants wildlife in parks and wants animals protected.
A couple of decades ago, Central Park in New York City had a healthy abundance of squirrels.
But, as the park drew millions of more human users, squirrels have gradually begun to disappear.
These days, I may see only one or two squirrels on a two mile walk through Central Park. --Most days, I see none.
But, I saw a squirrel last night.
He lay dying on the East Park Drive as thousands of cyclists flew by -- at least one or two having hit the squirrel as he attempted to cross the road.
The squirrel died as I fruitlessly tried to get help for him. Cyclists yelled at me for standing in the road trying to protect the moribund animal from being further hit.
It was an awful experience made worse by the fact no one cared and rather resented me for trying to protect the dying squirrel.
"It's only a squirrel," one passerby callously told me.
Recently, another woman has been trying to draw attention to the plight of juvenile raccoons who sometimes get trapped in the jumbo metal garbage bins distributed around Central Park. Unless the bins are lined with plastic garbage bags, the baby squirrels are unable to climb out of them. (The advocate recommends checking the large garbage bins and if containing a small raccoon, to turn the bin over to safely release the animal.)
In essence, it is not just geese feeling the wrath of human selfishness or callousness in public parks.
It is other animals and wildlife as well.
We have to ask ourselves: If cyclists, runners and fishermen are able to get what they want, why do we get deaf ears?
It is because we are not loud enough, organized enough and most of all, present and engaged enough.
The geese, squirrels, raccoons and other wildlife depend upon us to be their voices as they cannot lobby for themselves.
Those of us who fail to be present, engaged, vocal and organized truly cannot be surprised when squirrels disappear from parks due to predation by off leash dogs or collisions from speeding cyclists. Nor can we be surprised when seeing few raccoons and birds of different varieties in our parks. Most of all, we cannot be surprised to show up to a park and notice all the geese suddenly gone in the middle of the summer molt.
Even though most geese are flying now and most USDA goose culls have temporarily ended, negative, vilifying and propaganda articles about geese still flood national newspapers. To view just a few out today go to:
Goose haters are out there and they are dominating the press on Canada geese and other wildlife everywhere. -- Small wonder some park directors are adopting a "zero tolerance policy" on Canada geese.
I asked my caller yesterday if he and other wildlife supporters had been engaged with the park when the geese were still alive?
The answer was "no" as the reality is that people who like and enjoy something generally don't call to express positive feelings and appreciation.
Its the complainers who call parks and write "Opinion" pieces in newspapers.
"Well," I told the caller, "I am sure the park director heard plenty from those people who, for whatever illogical reason hate geese. That is why the cull was enacted and that is why the new geese are being blasted with fireworks now."
Petition, organize, engage, lobby. Most of all, find voice.
It is absolutely true that ultimately, "The squeaky wheel gets the oil."
Just ask any cyclist, runner or fisherman.
Just don't ask the squirrel lying dead on the road because he can no longer squeak. -- PCA
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