Kill the Geese so My Child Can Eat Sand.
In order to understand the first part of today's blog title, one has to watch the news video below from Sammamish State Park in Washington where recently, 90 geese were captured by USDA for gassing:
In the video, we are treated to a father complaining about the geese while his 3-year-old toddler stuffs sand in her mouth.
Call me old fashioned, but I thought it was the parent's responsibility to insure that their children don't consume dirt from city streets or urban parks (or, at least it was my responsibility when my daughter was growing up).
But, these days we seem to be looking more to government to take over the responsibilities that parents used to have -- such as putting three square meals on the table everyday, insuring safety and protection of children or building and creating relationships.
Of course, government cannot really create or build relationships, so instead it provides entertainment.
And what better way to entertain than to transform so-called, "wildlife refuges" or "state parks" into commercial enterprises, complete with biking and camping trails, BBQ's, amusement rides, hot dog stands and perhaps even outdoor concert venues?
All we need now are giant roller coasters and outdoor gyms complete with the latest in treadmills or boxing arenas. Throw in some puppet shows for the children too young to box or run marathons.
The latest target for Obama administration ambitious designs of government child sitting and entertainment is apparently, Jamaica Bay Wildlife "Refuge:"
Notice that the reference to Jamaica Bay being any kind of "wildlife refuge" is conveniently left out in the above article.
That's because it won't be after the "transformation" is complete.
The nearly thousand geese killed over the past two years at Jamaica Bay Wildlife "Refuge" represent only a small taste of what is to come. -- The perennial, "tip of the iceberg."
Now on to those pesky mallards who leave droppings all over the beach.
"Can Those Nuisance Geese be Rounded Up?"
The question sent in to a "Dear Abby" type of news show was likely submitted by some former New Yorker moving to Nevada and horrified to find waterfowl existing on a park lake.
Fortunately, the wildlife folks running Lampe Park in Nevada aren't like New York City's gutless wonder politicians or the nanny-providing Obama administration.
Basically, if "Colleen" doesn't like the geese, she can leave. (Wow, imagine the concept!)
But, make no mistake.
It is exactly people like Colleen who are at the base of most goose massacres around the country -- particularly in the "liberal" parts of the nation like Seattle and New York.
Unfortunately, neither extreme left nor extreme right politics is ultimately respectful of or beneficial to animal life.
We need a return to sanity and policies of personal responsibility and attitudes of live and let live.
Kill the Geese so that I May Fly My Toy Plane
Out of Connecticut today comes a real and legitimate tragedy:
Two children at home with their mother were killed when a small, private plane crashed into theirs and another home.
Apparently, a former crash wasn't enough for the plane's pilot (a former Microsoft executive) who survived the first crash, but apparently felt a short trip from New Jersey to Connecticut by car wasn't short enough. And so he had to take his private plane and his teenage son.
Sadly, the teenage son along with his dad died in the crash along with the two children from the home.
This is certainly not the first private plane to take a tumble into residential neighborhoods and it won't be the last.
But, strangely the politicians tend to be quite silent about these disasters that regularly take out homes and human life.
Is that because they don't want to confront wealthy private plane owners who can contribute lavishly to political campaigns?
Perhaps they can blame geese for these mishaps -- along with so many other human created disasters.
After all, the geese can't vote, protest or sue.
And the geese surely don't contribute to political campaigns. -- PCA
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