Thursday, December 26, 2013

God, Guns and Crappie, the Visions of the Prince of Peace?

Canada geese: Among the most peaceful, tolerant and accepting animals on the planet. -- Also among the most maligned, demonized, persecuted and hunted by humans. 
 One of the intriguing notes about many outdoors columns, as well as the hit show, "Duck Dynasty" is the way many hunters interchange "God" and "love" with detailed descriptions of blasting birds out of the sky or other animals out of woods and water. 
An example of which is found in the following piece:

Aside from the perplexing and seemingly oxymoron phrase, "loving to death," perhaps I don't understand the meaning of either God or love. (Or perhaps I just don't believe in loving anything to death.)
I don't recall however, ever reading in the bible that Jesus yelled, "Kill 'em!" when seeing a flock of birds in the sky or wildlife in the fields, forests or streams.
So why is Jesus and God so often interjected into tales of pleasurable slaughter of wildlife?
It seems more to conjure up justification and rationalization for ethically questionable activities than anything based upon what the Prince of Peace actually proselytized.
I just wish hunters would cease throwing God and Jesus into their bloody mix of shattered feathers, limbs and corpses.
It makes me think more of Jesus's brutal, unjustified and untimely death rather than His humble and heaven blessed beginnings.   
It is not after all, only fellow humans and the son of God we have crucified.
We especially (as in days of old) seem to excel in the torture and brutalization of the most meek and peaceful among us be they the lambs, cows, chickens, deer or Canada geese. 
Thus, we seemed to have learned little from our past transgressions and sins as we still carry forth the love of violence and dominance today.
All in the name of God, guns and crappie. -- PCA

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