Sunday, December 4, 2011

Merry Maliciousness

"Bah humbug!"
Over the past few days, I find myself feeling far more like Scrooge then the normally sentimental, sappy woman who loves Christmas carols, decorations, gift swapping and other celebration associated with this time of year.
Certainly, I never thought, for example, there would come a day when I'd be resenting a Christmas tree!
But, a trip back to Harlem Meer last night confirmed what was seen the night before.
All of the geese and most of the ducks gone, but a Christmas tree with a star at the top, seemingly springing up from the middle of the lake.
The tree is approximately 12 to 15 feet tall and is actually resting on what appears to be a tiny island of man-made dirt and grass (about 7 or 8 feet in diameter) transplanted on the water. The tree is actually not in the "middle" of the lake, but rather about 20-30 feet from the Dana Discovery Center.
But, why wasn't the tree placed directly in front of the Dana Center, instead of in the water? 
Were they afraid someone would run off with and steal the tree?
Or, is Central Park attempting to outdo Rockefeller Center whose large Christmas tree overlooks a skating rink?
"Look!  Our tree is actually in the water!"
Whatever the reasoning for this bizarre decision, the result is that whatever resources were required to "plant" a tree in water, succeeded (if not in a media event), an action that undoubtedly spooked a lot of birds to suddenly take flight.
That is not surprising in terms of the 25 or so Canada geese that immediately fled Harlem Meer with the positioning of the tree.
These birds have been so traumatized and relentlessly maligned, harassed, shot and slaughtered over the past number of years that even the drop of a hat now apparently sends NYC geese into a direct panic, (as people merely walking by with a dog did a few nights ago).
This realization truly breaks my heart and makes me feel ashamed for the cruelties, selfishness and lack of awareness and enlightenment of my own species.
No, the action of planting a Christmas tree in water is not, one can be sure, a malicious act with the intention of scaring off much of the waterfowl on the lake.  But, it is (to me) a stupid action lacking insight, consideration and forethought.
Unfortunately, one cannot say the same about the planned "goose hunt" to occur in a North Little Rock, Arkansas park several days prior to Christmas.
That is far more than just "stupid" or inconsiderate (although it is surely both of those), but, rather is downright malicious in intent. 
The "goal" is to "get rid of" an alleged population of 200 "resident" Canada geese in the very public Burns Park.
But, a YouTube video posted today from Burns Park fails to show even 50 geese on the lake, let alone, "200."
Once again, the geese are being demonized, their numbers highly exaggerated and they find themselves the targeted victims of whatever frustrations seem to ail our own species.
But, make no mistake.  This is no "hunt" in the true sense of that world.
Rather, the tame geese (who unlike constantly hazed and harassed NYC geese), will quite literally be "sitting ducks" for what really is a "canned hunt."  A bunch of human novices and wahoos with guns turning a peaceful city park into a bloody shooting gallery -- perhaps even singing, "Peace on Earth" just before the Christmas holiday.
We, as a species, have seemingly lost all restraint and sense of decency and common sense.
Indeed, the geese of Burns Park have prior to this, never even been chased by a Border Collie, let alone, shot at with guns.  What do they know of the need to distrust and fear humans?
Even presuming some migratory geese would be among their numbers prior to Christmas, the migratory birds usually take their cues from resident waterfowl.  But, what migratory birds presume to be "safe" judging from geese already at Burns Park will represent no safety at all during Christmas week.
I have no just cause to "protest" Central Park for what I believe to be stupid, non-sensical actions.
But, there is more than just cause to protest the leadership of North Little Rock's Burns Park as their actions and decision on this matter are not just "stupid" but malicious in intent no matter how they try and "spin" it.
Like New York City, North Little Rock tries to spin what really is an atrocity into cotton candy by claiming the geese will be made into "gooseburgers."
But, we've been through that movie before and know from NYC's goose slaughter this past summer, the geese don't even provide a pound of meat per bird.
By claiming them as a "food source" city leaders merely add insult to injury.  Its not about feeding food to the public as much as pacifying the public and trying to spin evil into "charity."
And so yes, I have morphed from Pollyanna this Christmas into a bizarre mixture of Scrooge and Marie Antoinette.
God help the food bank that solicits me for any kind of "donation."
My answer will be, "Let them eat cake!"
I am simply not a supporter of merry maliciousness. -- PCA


PCA said...

Please note the new FB page for the Coalition to Protect the Geese at Burns Park. All are requested to like and join:

Donna Haynes said...

Thanks for this post. We need all the help we can get. I will be checking the flock every couple of days, so watch for more videos.