Saturday, May 19, 2012

Silent Springs and TV Dramas

As yesterday's blog entry was long and focused, today's will be divided among brief updates on the geese and ducks in Central Park, as well as the TV drama, "Grey's Anatomy."  As noted last week, the popular show chose to include in its final episodes, the fantastically remote and unlikely scenario of a plane going down as result of a "bird strike."
First the "Daze Anatomy" drama -- in more ways than one:
Last night, I forced myself to endure the last two episodes of Greys' Anatomy by using the demand feature on TV.  Here's the lowdown:
The previous week's episode titled "Migration" opened with main character, Meredith talking about the "great migrations of birds."
It ended with a shot of migratory birds taking off to the skies exactly at the same time Meredith and her doctor pals are in a small plane heading home.  Next shot, Meredith and doctor pals are on the ground after their plane collided with the birds. That was how the show ended, leaving the watcher suspended for the season finale.
The season finale ("Strike?") that aired this week, opened with Meredith, pilot and pals horribly injured on the ground. One doctor is apparently dead and the others are left with gaping holes.  There is no mention anywhere in the show of what caused the plane to crash!  (Anyone who missed previous week's show was simply left in suspended animation.  Perhaps planes crash for no reason at all -- except TV drama?)
We don't actually know if any TV scenes or explanations were edited out.  Maybe this is just bad TV drama.   Maybe Grey's Anatomy wanted to "cash in" (ratings wise) on all the bad press recently about "bird strikes."  Everything on this show is wildly exaggerated -- such as a doctor with gaping hole in arm able to do makeshift surgery five minutes later.
Bottom Line:  Its annoying and disheartening that Daze  Anatomy cashed in on bird strike hysteria to end their final episodes.  But, since they entirely left this information out of season finale, I think we have to give them a begrudging pass. Just sorry I personally wasted two hours on this nonsense -- and am glad that Mad Men (an actually good TV drama) airs tonight.
Now, on to infinitely more pleasant subjects -- like the geese and ducks still at Central Park:
To my knowledge, Central Park has not harassed geese so far this year. (Too few to harass.) They apparently did not addle eggs either. The two geese who raised goslings at the South Pond last year are again raising new family -- I believe 4 goslings.   I generally don't get to the South Pond because it is too far from me.  Nevertheless, I pray that this new family of geese and the few others magically still surviving in Central park will be spared the upcoming USDA onslaught. 
But, as Central Park is within 7 miles of LaGuardia Airport ("Goose kill zone"), nothing can be taken for granted.
Last night I went to Harlem Meer and could not see any geese and very few ducks. Even Brad seemed a little unnerved and uneasy by the presence of so few waterfowl.
I am relieved Brad still has Wiggly with him or he would be virtually alone.  The lake appeared like a still, black mirror last night and the two barnyard ducks standing before it, appeared incredibly small and vulnerable. All was silent and almost eerie. 
Such a contrast to the nights of winter when Harlem Meer was like Times Square on New Year's Eve with the lively and heavy presence of more than a hundred migratory geese and ducks. 
Who would ever believe it would be spring that is the "silent" season in our premier city park?
Nevertheless, the mallard family is still hanging in at Harlem Meer.  They lost one duckling, but the three remaining ducklings growing quickly and appear very lively and healthy.  Interesting that both parents look after babies.  I have never seen a drake stay with mama mallard and babies before.  For mallards, they are acting more like geese. Not sure of the reason for that......
Mama and Papa are still safe and sound at the Boat Lake.  It was funny when visiting them the other night, that I had a headache and wasn't feeling that great. (Too much stress and worry these days?)
But, after sitting on the rock for about a blissful half hour with these delightful and peaceful birds, I magically felt better.  Mama gently taking seeds from my hand. Papa protectively watching over his very beloved "wife" and occasionally murmuring low, grateful honks to me.  
There is just "something" about the acceptance and welcoming -- or vibe and spirit of the geese that is incredibly uplifting and acts like some kind of "feel good" medicine that heals and nourishes both body and soul.
I think these are among the reasons I so love the geese -- and especially Mama and Papa.
After spending time with Mama and Papa I felt completely energized and "optimistic" (something not ordinarily felt these days), returned home and wrote up the "Tasks and Facts to Save our Geese....."
Most of all, the geese inspire me.
I cannot in fact, imagine Central Park (or any park or lake or pond) without geese.
I could not find the silence and stillness of Harlem Meer last night -- devoid of geese and most of the ducks -- uplifting or inspiring.
It was just eerie.
Who would ever believe it would be spring that is the "silent" season -- like the landmark, Rachel Carson book from decades ago?   -- PCA